Rotary Club Rupnagar adopts village Dakala for various projects


Rotary Club Rupnagar adopts village Dakala for various projects

Bahadurjeet Singh /Rupnagar

Rotary Club Rupnagar organised one tree Plantation drive at village Dakala  near Rupnagar and  adopted this village for various other societal projects.

The members of the Rotary club planted 200 Jamun trees,under  the drive ,in the land provided by the village .

Rotary Club will start various other projects in the village including construction of shed for the gym,utilisation of  pond water of the village for irrigation purpose, formation  of satellite club of the youths of the village and starting a library for the children of the village.

Rotary Club president Er.Parminder Kumar said that these projects would be completed with in one year with the cooperation of residents of the village including advocate Sanjeev Saini and advocate Varinder Singh.

Rotary Club Rupnagar adopts village Dakala for various projects

Rotary Club secretary Ajay Kumar said that three to four villages would be adopted under the ‘Rotary Chaley Pindan Val’ campaign and projects would be started in these villages as per their requirments.

Roytary Club chairman Sudhir Sharma said that 1500 to 2000 trees would be planted by the club during the year under tree plantation drive..

Former Rotary Club Rupnagar presidents Narinder Bhola,Usha Bhatia,JK Bhatia,JK Sharma,members Rotarian Jaswinder Singh,DS Saini and Jatinder Pal Singh were also present on the occasion.

July 3,2022