News Impact; Chief Electoral Officer Himachal Pradesh issues notice to government departments

419 News Impact; Chief Electoral Officer Himachal Pradesh issues notice to government departments

Kanwar Inder Singh/

Maneesh Garg, IAS, Chief Electoral officer (CEO), Himachal Pradesh taking cognizance of News reports, how the various government of Himachal Pradesh violated the Model Code of Conduct, after the announcement of assembly elections in the state has issued a show cause notice to various departments of the state government.

The Chief Electoral officer (CEO), Himachal Pradesh has issued an official letter and has asked various departmental heads-ACS (Forest), Director (Rural Development), ACS (PWD), Principal Secretary (Jal shakti Vibhag) etc “to clarify this office as to why e-tenders notice has been issued during the period of Model Code of Conduct (MCC). In addition to above , detail of all tenders issued/published after 14-10-2022 may also be provided to this office alongwith reasons. The requisite report in this regard should reach in this office within 24 hours positively.” News Impact; Chief Electoral Officer Himachal Pradesh issues notice to government departments News website in its report dated October 15,2022 highlighted, how the state government had issued large number of tenders worth crores of rupees on October 15,2022 next day after the imposition of Model Code of Conduct in the state, in different newspapers, directly violating the norms. As per election commission, “work shall not be started in respect of which work order has been issued before announcement of election but the work has actually not started in the field. If a work has actually started in the field that can be continued.” News Impact; Chief Electoral Officer Himachal Pradesh issues notice to government departments. News Website brought this violation in the notice of  Chief Electoral officer (CEO), Himachal Pradesh and acting swiftly, the CEO issued the notices to various departments and demanded their version, why did they disobey the election commission’s order.

Himachal Pradesh government violates Election Commission orders on the first day

October 17,2022