Sakshi Sawhney urges to make ‘Patiala Dengue Free’ campaign a success; Dengue test rate fixed


Sakshi Sawhney urges to make ‘Patiala Dengue Free’ campaign a success; Dengue test rate fixed

Kanwar Inder Singh/

An inter-sectoral meeting and awareness seminar was organized by the health department in collaboration with the district administration on the occasion of National Dengue Day under the slogan ‘Dengue is preventable, let’s join hands’. Speaking on the occasion Deputy Commissioner, Patiala Sakshi Sawhney said that with the cooperation of citizens , the campaign ‘Act every Friday against dengue to keep our Patiala dengue free’ would be made a success.

Sakshi Sawhney said that dengue test and treatment is provided free of cost in all government hospitals but the health department should ensure that no more than Rs.600 is charged for dengue Eliza test in private laboratories. Praising the health department for already inspecting 60,000 houses so far for the prevention of dengue and eradicating larvae from 125 places, the Deputy Commissioner said that local governments, PDAs and rural development departments in villages and urban wards of the district should collaborate with health department to identify the potential breeding grounds for dengue larvae, and intensify the campaign to eradicate dengue mosquito Aedes and its larvae, including public awareness. She stressed that every citizen should participate by checking own house surroundings for any water collection in coolers, trays, pots etc atleast once a week on Friday as Dryday. She also directed all the concerned officers to check the drinking water samples before the monsoon season in collaboration with the Health Department and the Water Supply and Sewerage Board for the prevention of water borne diseases.

Sakshi Sawhney urges to make ‘Patiala Dengue Free' campaign a success

District Epidemiologist Dr. Sumeet Singh said that Aedes mosquito is responsible for Dengue, Chikungunya and Zika virus and its larvae grow in and around houses where there is open collection of clean water. He said that the striped black mosquito, also known as Tiger mosquito, bites during the day and is more active in the morning and evening. It flies within a radius of 200 meters from its breeding ground. Its control requires the eradication of this mosquito as no antiviral drugs or vaccine has been developed yet and this mosquito spreads the disease through human blood by biting but there is no need for superstition as it is not a contagious disease.

Sakshi Sawhney urges to make ‘Patiala Dengue Free’ campaign a success. On this occasion, ADC (Urban Development) Gautam Jain, ADC (Development) Isha Single, SDM Dr. Ismat Vijay Singh, Joint Commissioner Municipal Corporation Naman Markan, Additional Civil Surgeon Dr Vikas Goyal, D.D.P.O. Sukhchain Singh Papra, Executive Officer, Medical Officers from Health Department, representatives of NGOs and officials of other departments were present. Posters were also released for public awareness on dengue day by all the officers at this moment.

May 16,2022