Scholar Fields organizes CBSE workshop on Value Education


Scholar Fields organizes CBSE workshop on Value Education

Gurjit Singh/ Patiala

The role of education in the fast changing scenario is very vital for a society. Keeping in view the same, Scholar Fields Public School Patiala hosted a CBSE workshop on Capacity Building programme on Value Education on 14th September in its premises.

Scholar Fields organizes CBSE workshop on Value Education

The session commenced with the lighting of lamp. The School Management accorded a warm welcome to the resource person Anuja Sharma, Principal D. A. V Model School Chandigarh. More than 70 teachers from different schools of Punjab participated in it.  Child psychology and various types of teaching pedagogy were discussed in this workshop. All the teachers shared their experiences of their classrooms.

Scholar Fields organizes CBSE workshop on Value Education

Anuja Sharma put light on the noble ways to impart value education to the learners of this post modern era. She answered the queries of all the teachers and impressed upon them the need to be more dedicated to this profession.  Various creational activities were also organised to make this workshop more interesting. Chandandeep kaur, Venue Director shared her views on modern technology and role of teachers.

Scholar Fields organizes CBSE workshop on Value Education

In conclusion a vote of thanks was extended to the resource person by worthy Vice Principal of the School Bindu Kohli. All in all, the workshop was innovative and beneficial for the teachers.

Capacity Building in the CBSE

Quality concerns in school education are among the priorities of CBSE as they play a pivotal role in the development of the country. The Board is committed to make provisions for various training programmes for teachers and principals to enhance their understanding of curriculum and delivery mechanism and other professional qualities. Through the Cascade mode, the Board selects and trains master trainers and mentors for ensuring the benefits of these programmes to percolate down to all the teachers and students in the schools. The training of the teachers assumes even greater significance in the wake of Right to Free and Compulsory Education Act-2009 to ensure the target achievement as per the proposed teacher student ratio proposed in the Act.