Schools in Patiala openly defying Punjab govt orders; remained open despite govt orders


Schools in Patiala openly defying Punjab govt orders; remained open despite govt orders

Kanwar Inder Singh/

It seems private schools in Patiala have their own wishes and whims, to not to obey government orders.

Punjab school education minister Vijayinder Singla had announced one month summer vacations from May 24, 2021 to June 23,2021, in all government, aided , private schools . But some schools in the Patiala district openly flouted the government orders and asked their teaching staff to come to school on the first day of the holiday, disobeying the government orders. One such school is Patiala’s renowned school DAV Public School, Bhupindra Road, Patiala, that flouted the govt orders.

When the news is shared with the District Education Officer, Patiala, she said” I’ll got it checked, why the school management has called their teachers, when the government has declared holidays? She also admitted that the DAV Public School, Bhupindra Road, Patiala authorities had called her up on Saturday and asked her to what to do, as the government has announced the holidays on a short notice, and we have to plan the holiday homework, etc.  She said, I asked them to discuss the matter with their teaching staff on Zoom, online ,but don’t call them in school.”

Schools in Patiala openly defying Punjab govt orders; remained open despite govt orders-photo courtesy-internet

This is not the first time that this school defies Punjab government orders. Earlier in the month of March 2021 state education minister Vijay Inder Singla had ordered the closure of schools and postponement of the school exams, till March 31, 2021. But DAV Public school, Bhupindra Road Patiala, openly flouted that orders also and hold examination on March 20,2021.

On April 8,2020, this school got show cause notice from the state education minister, for demanding fees during the lockdown, defying state govt. orders.

When tried to contact Vivek Tiwari Principal of DAV Public School, Bhupindra Road, Patiala, who called his teaching staff to the school, didn’t responded to the repeated calls. Later he responded to a text message and shared his personnel tragedy news and shows his inability to talk, where as he was sitting in his office.

As per information, some schools has asked their teaching staff to work from home, not to come to the school, means no holiday declared by them.

Schools in Patiala defied chief minister orders; called students for exams

Another school in Patiala gets show cause notices for demanding fees ; tally rose to 6

May 24,2021