Secy RTA Mohali conducted traffic enforcement drive; impounded vehicles for violating rules


Secy RTA Mohali conducted traffic enforcement drive; impounded vehicles for violating rules

Kanwar Inder Singh/ April 20,2023

Secretary Regional Transport Authority SAS Nagar Mohali Ravinder Singh Gill along with his team conducted traffic enforcement on April 20, 2023 from 4 AM to 9 AM as per the instructions of the Transport Department, during which the running without Punjab tax 4 Tourist buses of the other states were impounded and about 13 goods carrier vehicles were challaned for overloading/permit violations and detained in various police stations. All this surprise enforcement operation was done on Airport Road and Landra Banur Road Mohali.

Secy RTA Mohali conducted traffic enforcement drive; impounded vehicles for violating rules


A meeting was also held with the traffic police officials to effectively implement traffic enforcement and education for road safety in SAS Nagar Mohali.

( News)