Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace: DEOs instructed to constitute ‘Internal Complaint Committee’ at district, block level


Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace: DEOs instructed to constitute ‘Internal Complaint Committee’ at district, block level

Kanwar Inder Singh/ News/ January 8,2024

Punjab education department has asked all the district education officers (DEOs) to constitute the Internal Complaints Committee in accordance with the directives of  Supreme Court,  “Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (PPR) Act, 2013” at district, block levels to deal with the complaints of students/teachers/ employees regarding Sexual Harassment and to ensure safety, security and dignity of women at workplace.

The department has asked the DEOs to ‘Constitute internal complaint committee (lCC) as per the provisions of the PoSH Act, display of lCC, procedure prescribed for submitting online complaints etc, on the Department’s website, take steps to familiarize the members of the committee with their duties, regularly conduct orientation programme workshops, seminars and awareness programmes to up skill members of ICC etc.”

Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace: DEOs instructed to constitute ‘Internal Complaint Committee’ at district, block level-Photo courtesy-iPleaders

The orders from the department came after “the Lok Sabha committee on Empowerment of Women (2019-2020) ,in para 21 of its Second-Report on “Working Conditions of Women Teachers in Schools” has observed that the Ministries/ organistaions concerned with the schools, which have not yet constituted the separate Grievances Redressal Committee and ‘Internal Complaints Committee ‘ as per provisions of Sexual Harrasement of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act,2013, must ensure the constitution at the earliest. “

What is the Posh Act 2013?
The Prevention of Sexual Harassment at the workplace (POSH) Act has been enacted with the objective of preventing and protecting women against workplace sexual harassment and to ensure effective redressal of complaints of sexual harassment.
Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace: DEOs instructed to constitute ‘Internal Complaint Committee’ at district, block level