Thapar institute employees association elected new office bearers


Thapar institute employees association elected new office bearers

Gurjit Singh/ Patiala

In a general body meeting of the Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology Employees association held at the Thapar Institute auditorium, to elect the new office bearers, under the leadership of President Harnek Singh, has elected the office bearers. Association elected the following executive representatives for one year.

President-  Harnek Singh (elected as President of the association 3rd time)

General Secretary : Rakesh Kumar Suneja

Sr. Vice President : Harish Kumar

Vice President :  Jay Parkash,  Baldev Singh

Joint Secretary : Madan Lal

Organizing Secretary :  Anirudh Handa

Finance Secretary: Abhikash Gupta

Press Secretary :  Varinder Kumar

November 9,2020