The British Co Ed student shine at Olympiad Awards 2018-19
Gurjit Singh/
The student of The British Co- Ed School added yet another feather to the cap by securing rank 1 in International Mathematics Olympiad organized by SOF (Science Olympiad Foundation) . Over 50000 schools from 1400 cities across 30 countries participated in the SOF Olympiad exams during 2018-19 and around 50 lakh students appeared in the Olympiad.
In this Olympiad around 34,000 students from distinguished school of Patiala participated. In International Mathematics Olympiad, Patiala came out with Proud. International rank 1 was bagged by Divyansh Mittal of class 01st from The British Co- EdSchool got a Silver Medal.

Science Olympiad Foundation organized a felicitation function to recognize & award the International winning students of Olympiad exams held during the Academic year 2018-19. Award function held at New Delhi . During the function, the top 3 international rank holders from classes one to twelve for the 6 Olympiad exams conducted by SOF were awarded.
On the occasion Chief Guest, Justice Dipak Misra, Former Chief Justice of India was the chief guest.
Addressing the students, Justice Dipak Misra said that courage is the mother of all virtues, if you don’t have the courage you possibly don’t get different virtues. If you have courage no matters what happen whatever the condition is but your mind will work. Speaking about Olympiad he also said that Failure is a challenge and Olympiad teaches to fight those challenges. He also said that every Indian citizen must respect the law of India. The first motto in the life should be not going to be afraid by any kind of challenges..
The awards included: International rank One 60 awards. – Each winner awarded Rs.50,000/, a gold medal, Merit Certificate, International rank Two 60 awards. – Each winner awarded Rs.25000/, a silver medal, Merit Certificate, International rank Three 60 awards. – Each winner awarded Rs.10000/, a bronze medal, Merit Certificate and gifts each.