Today’s Punjab Covid-19 update


Today’s Punjab Covid-19 update

Kanwar Inder Singh/

As per health department official’s 2206 positive cases in Punjab, after the release of yesterday’s media bulletin at 8:00 pm. Yesterday 2281 cases were reported in Punjab. With these 2206 new cases the tally rose to 574114 cases, as per health bulletin released at around 8:30  pm today.

Today’s Punjab Covid-19 update. Today 91 deaths are reported in Punjab and total deaths tally reaches at 14840.

Today 4512 patients were discharged in Punjab, and the cured patients tally reaches at 530601. Total active cases in Punjab are 28673.

Today’s Punjab Covid-19 update-Photo courtesy-Internet

Department of Health & Family Welfare, Punjab Media Bulletin COVID-19 3rd June 2021 (05:00 PM)

Details of Samples, Cases and Vaccination:-

1Total Samples taken**9462776
2Sample collected on the day69039
3Test conducted on the day68730
4Total No. of patients tested Positive


5No. of patients discharged530601
6Number of active Cases28673
7Total Deaths reported14840
8No. of Patients on oxygen support3680
9Patients at critical care Level-3 facilities730
10Patients who are critical and on ventilator support288
11Healthcare Workers vaccinated with 1st dose on the day563


Total Healthcare Workers vaccinated with 1st dose*197803
13Frontline Workers vaccinated with 1st dose on the day9582
14Total Frontline Workers vaccinated with 1st dose*862463
15Healthcare Workers vaccinated with 2nd dose on the day118
16Total Healthcare Workers vaccinated with 2nd dose*114253
17Frontline Workers vaccinated with 2nd dose on the day533
18Total Frontline Workers vaccinated with 2nd dose*193726
19COVID-19 Vaccinated with 1st dose on the day

(Healthcare + Frontline Workers)

20COVID-19 Vaccinated with 2nd dose on the day

(Healthcare + Frontline Workers)

21Total COVID-19 Vaccinated with 1st dose

(Healthcare + Frontline Workers)

22Total COVID-19 Vaccinated with 2nd dose

(Healthcare + Frontline Workers)

23Above 45 Vaccinated with 1st dose on the day14284
24Total Above 45 Vaccinated with 1st dose*2902938
25Above 45 Vaccinated with 2nd dose on the day2643
26Total Above 45 Vaccinated with 2nd dose*482417
2718-44 years age group Vaccinated with 1st dose on the day6157
28Total 18-44 years age group Vaccinated with 1st dose477700
2918-44 years age group Vaccinated with 2nd dose on the day148
30Total 18-44 years age group Vaccinated with 2nd dose202
31Total Vaccination 1st dose on the day30586
32Total Vaccination 2nd  dose on the day3442
33Total Vaccination 1st  and 2nd dose on the day34028

*Reconciliation of vaccination data with COWIN portal.

**2 samples added in Tarn Taran after reconciliation of data. 

On 3rd June 2021 

1.Number of New patients admitted in ICU4


2.Number of New patients put on ventilator support5

( Patiala-2, Amritsar-3)

3.Number of New patients discharged4512

( Amritsar-330, Barnala-30, Bathinda-426, Faridkot-81, Fazilka-330, Ferozepur-285, Fatehgarh Sahib-166, Gurdaspur-145, Hoshiarpur-102, Jalandhar-527, Kapurthala-55, Ludhiana-501, Mansa-245, Muktsar-295, Pathankot-148, Patiala-340, Ropar-152, Sangrur-80, SAS Nagar-213, SBS Nagar-18, Tarn Taran- 43)

4.Number of New deaths reported91

(Amritsar-7, Barnala-2, Bathinda-13, Faridkot-3, Fatehgarh Sahib-1, Fazilka-6, Ferozepur-2, Gurdaspur-3, Hoshiarpur-3, Jalandhar-5, Kapurthala-2, Ludhiana-6, Mansa-6, Moga-1, S.A.S Nagar-4, Muktsar-5, Pathankot-1, Patiala-10, Ropar-3, Sangrur-4, SBS Nagar-1, Tarn Taran-3)


 Patients reported Positive on 3rd June 2021- 2206

DistrictNumber of CasesPositivityCase DetailsRemarks
Jalandhar2453.38%245 New Cases———-
Ludhiana2281.49%3 Contact of Positive Case, 30 New Cases (OPD), 132 New Cases (ILI), 63 New Cases———-
SAS Nagar1918.37%59 New Cases (ILI), 20 Contact of Positive Cases, 112 New Cases———-
Bathinda1664.84%4 Contact of Positive case, 13 New Cases (ILI), 149 New cases———-
Hoshiarpur1544.53%92 Contact of Positive Case, 13 New Cases (ILI), 49 New Cases———-
Fazilka1487.47%32 Contact of Positive case, 19 New Cases (ILI), 97 New cases (OPD)———-
Amritsar1463.30%146 New Cases———-
Patiala1333.20%21 Contact of Positive Case, 112 New Cases———-
Muktsar1143.40%114 New Cases———-
Faridkot975.70%97 New Cases———-
Ferozepur854.96%85 New Cases———-
Gurdaspur791.96%21 Contact of Positive case, 58 New cases———-
Kapurthala703.02%70 New Cases———-
Pathankot602.85%60 New Cases———-
Sangrur591.76%42 Contact of Positive Case, 1 New Cases (ILI), 16 New Cases———-
Tarn Taran514.82%51 New Cases———-
Mansa372.38%37 New cases———-
FG Sahib342.61%34 New cases———-
Barnala304.28%30 New Cases———-
SBS Nagar281.75%4 New cases (ILI), 24 New Cases———-
Ropar272.67%27 New Cases———-
Moga243.65%24 New cases———-
On the Day Punjab22063.21%  

 Cumulative Cases: –

S. No.DistrictTotal Confirmed CasesTotal Active CasesTotal CuredDeaths
2SAS Nagar67035223963814982
18SBS Nagar1111632910455332
19FG Sahib82344977498239
21Tarn Taran75904376831322


*From Ferozepur 13 Repeat case entries excluded.

*From Gurdaspur 23 Repeat case entries excluded.

*From Kapurthala 2 Repeat case entries excluded.

*From Pathankot 9 Repeat case entries excluded.

*From Patiala 2 Repeat case entries excluded.

*From Ropar 3 Repeat case entries excluded.

*From SAS Nagar 4 Repeat case entries and 1 Death case entry excluded.

*From SBS Nagar 7 Repeat case entries excluded.

*In Tarn Taran 2 death case entries added after reconciliation of data.


June 3,2021