Two Day Workshop on “Effective Teaching Learning” by an International Speaker at PSOU


Two Day Workshop on “Effective Teaching Learning” by an International Speaker at PSOU

Kanwar Inder Singh/

Jagat Guru Nanak Dev Punjab State Open University, Patiala organized a Two-day workshop on “Effective Teaching Learning” under the guidance of visionary Vice Chancellor Prof. Karamjeet Singh. Dr. Monika Kansal, Central Queensland University, Melbourne, Australia was the keynote speaker on the occasion. Dr. G.S. Batra, Dean Academic Affairs, welcomed the guests and participants to the workshop. Dr. Batra said that this workshop was organised under the able guidance of the Vice Chancellor which would help the teachers to improve their teaching learning methods. Prof.Karamjeet Singh, Vice Chancellor of the University congratulated the faculty for organising this workshop. In his presidential address, he said that this workshop would be instrumental in making the faculty well versed with the latest teaching learning techniques and in effective application of these techniques while teaching.

Dr. Monika Kansal, Central Queensland University, Melbourne, Australia is working in the School of Business and Law. She has published number of articles in high ranking journals and won number of awards like UN’s Golden Pin Award, Vice Chancellor’s Award for Outstanding Contributions to Learning and Teaching and many more. She gave detailed presentation on teaching and research. She guided the faculty members and answer all their queries.

Two Day Workshop on “Effective Teaching Learning” by an International Speaker at PSOU


Two Day Workshop on “Effective Teaching Learning” by an International Speaker at PSOU . At the end of the workshop Dr. Amarjit Singh, Assistant Professor, Punjab State Open University thanked all the distinguished guests, faculty members and the participants.  ParampreetKaur, Staff Secretary moderated the event. She took charge as the coordinator of the workshop. Practitioner Sanjay Gupta  a leading Chartered Accountant took part in the proceedings of the workshop.  Dr. Namita Garg earlier at Rayat Bahra University also participated in the workshop.All the faculty members wholeheartedly participated in the workshop and found it very enriching and fruitful.

July 4,2022