UGC-MMTTC Punjabi University starts offline Refresher Courses on Life Sciences, Short-Term Courses to enhance quality education in higher education institutes


UGC-MMTTC Punjabi University starts offline Refresher Courses on Life Sciences, Short-Term Courses to enhance quality education in higher education institutes

Kanwar Inder Singh/ News/ December 10,2024

The UGC-Malaviya Mission Teacher Training Centre (MMTTC) at Punjabi University, Patiala, has launched two Off-line courses Refresher Courses on Life Sciences(Off-Line) and Short Term Course on “MOOCs online Courses and Open Educational Resources”(Off-line) aimed at enhancing the capacity of educators and professionals.

The Refresher course focuses on “Life Sciences” and will be conducted offline, providing participants with an immersive, in-person learning experience. This course aims to deepen understanding of Life Sciences and foster critical thinking and analytical skills relevant to educators and researchers in this field.The dynamic nature of life sciences requires constant learning, and it is in this spirit that this refresher course has been designed. The Second course on MOOCs online Courses and Open Educational Resources” will also be conducted in Off-Line Mode.

The session was graced by Dr. Minni Singh, Dean of Life Sciences and Professor in the Department of Biotechnology, as the Chief Guest. Dr. Regina Maini, Senior Medical Officer, Bhai Ghaniya Health Centre, Punjabi University, Patiala, was the Guest of Honor for inaugural session. 

Prof. Raman Maini, Director of MMTTC, emphasized that these courses, structured in accordance with UGC-MMTTC guidelines, are part of the university’s commitment to continuous professional development. Prof. Maini welcomed the chief guest of the day, Dr. Minni Singh Dean Life Sciences and Professor Department of Biotechnology at Punjabi University, Patiala. He also thanked the guest of honour, Dr. Regina Maini, Senior Medical Officer, Bhai Ghaniya Health Centre, Punjabi University, Patiala. Dr. Maini said Life sciences have made extraordinary strides in the last few decades, from advancements in biotechnology and genomics to new frontiers in environmental sciences and sustainable agriculture. As educators, it is our responsibility not only to stay abreast of these developments but also to cultivate a deep understanding of their implications for society, health, and the environment.

He expressed gratitude tocourse coordinator Dr. Himender Bharti Course Coordinator Refresher course on “Life Science (Off-Line)” and Daljit Ami Course Coordinator Short Term Course on “MOOCs online Courses and Open Educational Resources” (Off-line), and Director EMRC Punjabi University for their efforts in organizing these programmes and securing the participation of distinguished resource persons. He appreciated the efforts of non-teaching staff members for their hard work in organising these courses. 

Dr. Minni Singh, in her keynote address, highlighted the transformative role of biotechnology and life sciences in addressing global challenges. She stressed the importance of such refresher courses in keeping academic professionals abreast of the latest developments in the field.This course is more than just an opportunity to update your academic knowledge. It is a platform for collaboration, critical thinking, and intellectual engagement. 

UGC-MMTTC Punjabi University starts offline Refresher Courses on Life Sciences, Short-Term Courses to enhance quality education in higher education institutes

Dr. Regina Maini, in her remarks, appreciated the initiative of offering a course on MOOCs and Open Educational Resources, underscoring its relevance in today’s digital learning ecosystem. She encouraged participants to explore these platforms to enhance their teaching and learning experiences.She emphasized that this refresher course goes beyond academic development. It is an opportunity for networking and professional growth. The collaborations and connections you form during this course can open doors to new research possibilities, interdisciplinary projects, and innovative teaching methodologies.

Dr. Himender Bharti said as teachers and researchers, we often find ourselves at the intersection of knowledge and application. It is important to remember that the purpose of acquiring new knowledge is not just to enrich our understanding but also to disseminate it effectively to our students. This course will provide you with tools and approaches that will help you communicate complex scientific concepts in a clear, engaging, and relevant manner. It will also enable you to inspire the next generation of scientists and innovators.

Daljit Ami highlighted the transformative potential of MOOCs and Open Educational Resources in democratizing education. He stated that MOOCs and Open Educational Resources provide educators and learners with access to high-quality academic materials and training opportunities irrespective of geographical and financial constraints. This course will help participants harness the power of these platforms to make education more inclusive and effective.” 

The session concluded with a vote of thanks by Dr. Himender Bharti, expressing gratitude to the esteemed guests and participants for their active involvement in this academic initiative.