Union government issues Unlock 5.0 guidelines
Kanwar Inder Singh/ royalpatiala.in/ Chandigarh
Ministry of home affairs on Wednesday issued Unlock 5.0 guidelines for opening up more activities in areas outside the containment zones. In these guidelines, which will come into effect from October 1, 2020, the process of re-opening of activities has been extended further.
The new guidelines, are based on feedback received from States and UTs, and extensive consultations held with related Central Ministries and Departments.
Unlock 5.0-activities permitted from October 15 in areas outside the Containment Zones with the standard operating procedure (SOP) , to be issued by the concerned ministries
1) Cinemas/ theatres/ multiplexes will be permitted to open with up to 50 per cent of their seating capacity
2) Business to Business (B2B) Exhibitions will be permitted to open
3) Swimming pools being used for training of sportspersons will be permitted to open
4) Entertainment parks and similar places will be permitted to open
5) Opening of Schools, colleges, educational institutions, and coaching institutions after October 15, in a graded manner.
Where schools are conducting online classes, and some students prefer to attend online classes rather than physically attend school, they may be permitted to do so.Students may attend schools/ institutions only with the written consent of parents.Attendance must not be enforced, and must depend entirely on parental consent.Schools, which are allowed to open, will have to mandatorily follow the SOP to be issued by Education Departments of States/ UTs.
Regulation of gatherings
Social/ academic/ sports/ entertainment/ cultural/ religious/ political functions and other congregations have already been permitted with a ceiling of 100 persons, outside Containment Zones only. Now State/ UT Governments have been given the flexibility to permit such gatherings beyond the limit of 100 persons, outside Containment Zones, after 15th October 2020, which will be subject to the following conditions:
In closed spaces, a maximum of 50% of the hall capacity will be allowed, with a ceiling of 200 persons. Wearing of face masks, maintaining social distancing, provision for thermal scanning and use of hand wash or sanitizer will be mandatory.
In open spaces, keeping the size of the ground/ space in view, and with strict observance of social distancing, mandatory wearing of face masks, provision for thermal scanning and hand wash or sanitizer.
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