Valedictory session of two weeks online refresher course held at GNDU


Valedictory session of two weeks online refresher course held at GNDU

Kanwar Inder Singh/

The valedictory session of two Week Online Refresher course in Humanities was held under the leadership of Prof. (Dr.) Jaspal Singh Sandhu, Vice Chancellor, GNDU. More than two dozen resource persons shared their expertise in the subject of Social Science and Humanities with the participants and updated them about the latest happenings in their respective disciplines.


Renowned zoologist of International repute and Dean Students Welfare of the University, Prof. Anish Kumar Dua was Guest of Honour on this session. Prof. Dua while sharing his experience with the participants said that “we need to broaden our vision”. According to Prof. Dua, “To be happy, one has to be good practitioner of employing human values and professional ethics in one’s daily lives”.

Valedictory session of two weeks online refresher course held at GNDU

Prof. Dua emphasised that learning is very important and he asked the participants that can ever one learn football without having devotion towards their coach? Knowing big things is very difficult unless you are enjoying it. As a teacher and academic leaders, people are looking towards us for answers to the problems of the society. According to him,“Self-affirmation is very important  and one needs to tell oneself that I can do it. At the beginning of the day, everyone should tell himself/herself that I can do it. In the concluding remarks,Prof. Dua advised all participants to have faith in their capacities.

Valedictory session of two weeks online refresher course held at GNDU. The director of the UGC-Human Resource Development Centre Prof. (Dr.) Sudha Jitender welcomed the guest of honour and expressed her deepest sense of gratitude for having taken out his time from his busiest schedule. Prof. Rajesh Kumar and Dr. Gurpreet Randhawa were the coordinator and co-coordinator of the course. A total of 20 participants from different corners of the country participated in the above course. Prof. Rajesh Kumar presented a brief report of this refresher course to all those who were present in the meeting and informed that there were 12 working days, 32 academic sessions besides 4 evaluations and examination sessions. In the valedictory address, course co-coordinator, Dr. Gurpreet Kaur,Chairperson, University Business School proposed the vote of thanks to the guest of honour and all those who were present in the meeting.

August 2,2022