Walkathon by Alchemist doctors to mark World Heart Day


Walkathon by Alchemist doctors to mark World Heart Day

KS Diwan/ royalpatiala.in/ Chandigarh

As many as 100 people including doctors took part in an Alchemist Hospital’s ‘walkathon’ to mark World Heart Day at Sukhna lake here on Sunday morning.

Among others, Dr. Rohit Parti senior cardiologist, Dr. Shashi Jindal, head department of cardiovascular and thoracic surgery and Dr Arvind Kaul head of cardiology from Alchemist also participated in ‘walkathon’.

Walkathon by Alchemist doctors to mark World Heart Day

said, “ The aim of ‘walkathon’ was to promote physical activity and heart-healthy habits among people. It was an interesting demonstration of the importance of physical activity for a strong heart where participants carried banners of healthy heart.”

It also aimed to encourage people on how physical activities were important to keep the heart healthy, said Dr. Rohit Parti adding cardiovascular disease (CVD) can be prevented by addressing risk factors, such as tobacco use, unhealthy diet, and physical inactivity, informed Dr. Shashi Jindal.

One can effectively reduce his or her own and family’s risk of heart disease by Walks, running and cycling, remarked Dr Jindal.

Dr Arvind Kaul said that the stress of modern life has contributed to a large extent to severe and premature heart disease in Indians who are otherwise genetically at the highest risk in the whole world.

Walkathon by Alchemist doctors to mark World Heart Day

Regular exercise weight control along with a healthy diet and regular relaxation will overall promote a healthy lifestyle in the general population and go a long way in reducing heart disease in people, he added.