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Working Committee of GIEAIA gave a clarion call to protect and strengthen Public Sector Insurance companies

Working Committee of GIEAIA gave a clarion call to protect and strengthen Public Sector Insurance companies
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Working Committee of GIEAIA gave a clarion call to protect and strengthen Public Sector Insurance companies

Kanwar Inder Singh/ May 9,2023

General Insurance Employees’ All India Association held its 63rd Working Committee Meeting at Pune, Maharashtra on 7th May, 2023.

Comrade Amarjeet Kaur, President, GIEAIA and General Secretary, AITUC presided over the meeting.

The Working Committee Members from all over the country deliberated on various burning issues confronting the Public Sector General Insurance Industry.

Trilok Singh, General Secretary, GIEAIA said “the Working Committee has urged the Government to strengthen & support this prime Public Sector by merging all the four Public Sector General Insurance Companies in the larger National Interest and encourage insurance penetration throughout the country. The Working Committee gave a clarion call to protect and strengthen these Public Sector companies garnering a cumulative premium in excess of One Lakh Twenty Five Thousand Crores while simultaneously fulfilling its Social responsibilities by Implementing all Social Schemes of the Government of India like Ayushman Bharat Scheme, Pradhan Mantri Fasal Beema Yojna, Corona Cavach and many more such Schemes. These PSGICs have been serving a significant section of the society, including the marginal societies, BPL families, down trodden and the farmers without any discrimination.”

The Working Committee demanded that the Government of India, Department of Financial Services and IRDA should take strict & prompt actions by imposing huge penalties or should cancel the licences of those Private Players who have cheated the Government by not paying GST and Income Tax, which is in thousands of crores and raised questions on the integrity of such private players which are mainlining and defaming the Insurance Sector.

Working Committee of GIEAIA gave a clarion call to protect and strengthen Public Sector Insurance companies

The Working Committee urged the Government of India to refer the amendments to Insurance Sector to the Parliamentary Committe on Finance for a meaningful and constructive discussions.

The Working Committee, cautioned the Government of the unethical practices before Nationalisation of General Insurance Sector and demanded that the noble objective of Nationalisation of General Insurance Sector is yet to be achieved in the interest of the citizens and the Society at large.

The Working Committee decided to hold seminars, through out the country to gather the popular support of the political class, progressive section of the society and the Citizens at large to protect and strengthen this prime Public Sector and to Merge All the Public Sector General Insurance Companies in today’s Market conditions to avoid rate cuttings and to reach to the nook and corner of the Country to provide general insurance insurance coverages to every citizen of the Country to fulfil the dream of the present Government to make the general insurance reach to every citizen of the country.

Working Committee of GIEAIA gave a clarion call to protect and strengthen Public Sector Insurance companies and to intensify the struggles as under:

  1. Merger of PSGICs.
  1. Immediate withdrawal of “Variable Pay” clause and “performance linked wage” from Gazette Notification.
  1. Immediate Recruitment in all Cadres.
  1. To Demand 14% Government’s contribution to NPS.
  1. Family Pension to be increased to 30% uniformly.
  1. To intensify our struggles against disadvantages of K.P.I and Restructuring.
  1. Pension for All.
  1. Updation of Pension.
  1. No loading on GMC Policy for Employees and Ex-Employees.
  1. To open Offices in the unrepresented area of the Country and to provide effective Customer Service.

(royalpatiala.in News)