World Red Cross day celebrated at Govt Bikram College of Commerce


World Red Cross day celebrated at Govt Bikram College of Commerce

Kanwar Inder Singh/ May 8,2023

The Red Cross unit of Government Bikram College of Commerce Patiala celebrated World Red Cross day to honor the birth anniversary of Henry Dunant, The founder of International Committee of The Red Cross under the guidance of College Principal Prof. (Dr.) Kusum Lata on 8th May 2023.

The theme of World Red Cross day 2023 is “Everything we do come from the heart”. The program started with Dr Tarandeep Kaur sharing the history of Red Cross with students.

World Red Cross day celebrated at Govt Bikram College of Commerce

The students prepared posters depicting different messages to inculcate the values of humanity towards mankind. The students delivered speech on principles of Red Cross. The event was coordinated by Dr Tarandeep Kaur (In charge Red Cross) and the program ended with the pledge taking ceremony by students. The students took a pledge to help the sick and the suffering.

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