Yadavindrians brought laurels; excelled in board exams


Yadavindrians brought laurels; excelled in board exams

Gurjit Singh/ royalpatiala.in/ Patiala

The results of ISC and ICSE of batch 2019-20 are declared today. Yadavindra Public School, Patiala is proud to announce that both the batches have registered 100% pass result.

For ICSE( class X), the following students bagged the first three positions:

  1. Sachish Singla Scored first position by getting 98.2%%
  2. Shaurya Dablania scored the second position by scoring 98%
  3. Subhav Garg scored 97.8% and won third position

In ICSE, 44 students scored above 90%, 33 students scored above 80%.

Yadavindrians brought laurels; excelled in board exams    

Yadavindrians brought laurels; excelled in board exams. In ISC (class XII), the following students scored positions:

  • In Arts, Nidhi Sachdeva has won highest rank at 96.5% and Ishnoor Kaur Virk scored 95.25%.
  • In Commerce, Manvir Singh Chahal scored highest 94%.
  • In Science, Mohkam Singh Virk scored highest 94%.

In  ISC examination where, 13 students scored above 90%, 40 students scored above 80% and none below 60%.
