Pb Govt withdraw ban orders issued on WhatsApp ,emails for official purposes


Pb Govt withdraw ban orders issued on WhatsApp ,emails for official purposes

KS Diwan/ royalpatiala.in/Chandigarh

Punjab Government has withdrawn its order, issued just a week ago  to not to use WhatsApp , personal emails for official purposes. The orders were issued by Department of General Administration and Coordination of Punjab Govt vide Memo No 12/147/2018-GC (4)/841 dated 18-4-2019.

Earlier Punjab government has banned the use of WhatsApp and personal emails for official purposes in government offices vide memo no 12/147/2018-GC(4)/802 dated 12-4-2019. It has issued a letter to the heads of government departments, Commissioners and Deputy Commissioners, Boards, Corporations to enforce the ban.

Pb Govt withdraws ban order issued on WhatsApp ,emails for official purposes

In an earlier letter issued to all the heads the department, boards, corporation, commissioners, deputy commissioners it was conveyed that the move is aimed at maintaining the safety of official records and checking the misuse of official information as the use of personal emails and WhatsApp for official communication hit the government’s credibility. It was suggested to do all the correspondence through official email ids only as the state government had already generated official email IDs of all departments and connected these with a central server.