GNDU to introduce Distance learning Courses-VC


GNDU to introduce Distance learning Courses-VC

Guru Nanak Dev University has been sanctioned the status of category-1 by the University Grants Commission, New Delhi. With this University has become the only university of the region — Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh and Chandigarh to get this status. This will give more powers to start new departments, courses, schools, off-campus facilities and distance education programmes, besides the freedom to hire foreign faculty without the UGC’s approval.

These views were expressed by Prof. (Dr) Jaspal Singh Sandhu, Vice-Chancellor of Guru Nanak Dev University. Sandhu said that University has emerged in the top bracket of Indian Universities. The Ministry of Human Resources and Development, Govt of India on the advice of the federal think tank NITI Aayog, announced far-reaching reforms in higher education by liberating top performing universities, granting full academic autonomy, so that they can compete with the World’s top Universities.

GNDU to introduce Distance learning Courses-VC

He said that now this University can build an incentive structure to attract talented faculty from all over the World. He said that full academic autonomy will help University to design new courses as per world-class patterns. University has already planned to start new courses keeping in view the demand and requirement of the region. He said that to strengthen the reach of higher education to the masses, the University will start many courses through distance education mode from this academic session.

He also informed the media personal about the recent constructive developments initiated at University campus to meet the international standard. He said that new website of the University has already been launched and made more user friendly. To reduce vehicular traffic on the campus cycles & e-rickshaws will be introduced as the mode of conyvence which will help in reducing the pollution level. He said that to attract international students, the University will construct hostels with state of art facilities. He said that University will collaborate with World top education institutes to start joint courses under which prespective students can have admission in Guru Nanak Dev University and have one or two semesters studies in foreign University.

Vice Chancellor also apprised the media about the achievement of the University.Prof. Kamaljit Singh, Dean Academic Affairs, Prof. K.S. Kahlon, Registrar; Prof. S.S. Chimni, Professor Incharge Public Relations; Parveen Kumar, Director PR were also present.