PRTC to recruit General Manager, Works Manager, Traffic Managers


After converting its losses to profits, under the visionary supervision of its Chairman KK Sharma and Managing Director MS Narang, PRTC has decided to recruit 4 General Managers (General-1, SC-1, Ex-serviceman -1 and Physically Handicapped-1) with a scale of pay- 10,300-34800+5400 (Grade Pay), 3 Works Manager (General-1, SC-1, Ex-serviceman -1) with scale of pay- 10300-34800+5000 Grade Pay and 3 Traffic Managers (General-1, SC-1, Ex-serviceman -1) with scale of pay-10300-34800+4600 Grade Pay to overcome its staff shortage at management level. Thapar University Patiala is assigned the job to conduct the recruitment test on behalf of PRTC. For these posts the educational is a degree or master’s degree in relevant field and the age limit for these vacancies is 18 to 37 years for general category candidates, SC/ST/BC: 18 to 42 years, applicants who are already in Government Service: 18 to 45 years, Physically Handicapped: 18 to 47 years.

The interested candidates can apply online for PRTC Patiala Recruitment 2017 on or before its due date, which is extended up to 5th Nov. 2017. The candidates have to shell out Rs. 1000/- as an application fee (for all categories) which is a non refundable. For detailed information the interested candidates can go to

For these posts the reservation is as per Policy/Instructions of the Punjab Government. The candidates belonging to reserve category shall clearly indicate, in the application form the category under which he/she wants to be considered. The category of reservation once opted will not be allowed to be changed. The benefit of reservation shall only be available to the candidates, who are bonafide residents of Punjab State.

PRTC to recruit General Manager, Works Manager, Traffic Managers

For filling the application form on Day 1 Candidate Fills the form online (working in Chrome, Mozilla and Internet Explorer), notes the login id and password and prints the challan. On day 2 Candidate pays the fees in any branch of State Bank of India using the challan. Please note that bank charges will be extra @Rs.50/-. Users having Internet Banking facility of State Bank of Patiala are free to use “Power Jyoti Fee Collection (PUL)” Option under Payments/Transfers and fill Fee Type as “7143” and press “Submit” button. After this candidate has to fill DOB in Validation Date Field and Form No. in Fee Reference No field and press Confirm button. Day 3 Candidate uploads his “Photograph”(jpg file up to 50 KB size) and specimen “Signature” image (jpg file up to 20 KB size). After this Candidate prints the application form using login id and password noted on Day 1 and keeps with himself/herself. There is no need to send it anywhere. Last Date for filling Online Application form is: 05-November-2017.

The mode of selection of these posts is based on written test, group discussion, interview and higher qualification. Candidates applying for the post of Works Manager and Traffic Manager are exempted from Group Discussion. Written test will be held at Patiala only and  will contain 100 multiple choice questions of one mark each. The paper will be of 120 minutes’ duration.