Azaadi and its Meaning for a Kashmiri-Malik
Dr. Adil Rasool Malik
As India celebrates its 77th Independence Day on August 15, 2023, the heart of every Indian sitting in every part of the world – shall swell with pride reminiscing about the history of our nation. The bravery, the courage, the will to lead, the unity – all these feelings fill every patriot’s heart. This feeling of rejoicement is further heightened in Kashmir due to the long standing silent debacles that continued to rock its freedom and independence even after 1947.
For years, Kashmir had been subdued by conflict and violence. But after the abrogation of Article 370 in 2019, the region is finally beginning to rise. The situations have gradually changed and Kashmir has eventually blossomed. With all restrictions removed and free trade established – Kashmir has become a part of India and a leader of its own success story like never before.
Article 370 gave Kashmir a special status in the Indian Constitution, granting it certain autonomy over its own affairs. However, this autonomy also made Kashmir a target for Pakistan-sponsored terrorism. For decades, the region was plagued by violence, with militants attacking security forces and civilians alike. The abrogation of Article 370 has brought an end to this violence. With Kashmir now fully integrated into the Indian Union, the security situation has improved dramatically. This has allowed the region to focus on its development, and there is a new sense of optimism among the people.
Another significant benefit after the abrogation of Article 370 is also the immense amount of investment and development that has revolutionised Kashmir and given it freedom from Unemployment and Lack of job opportunities. In the past, businesses were reluctant to invest in Kashmir because of the security situation and restrictions pertaining to various industries. But now that the situation has improved, businesses are looking to invest in the region’s tourism, agriculture, and manufacturing sectors. This investment is creating jobs and opportunities for Kashmiris, and it is helping to boost the economy.
In addition to the economic and social benefits of the abrogation of Article 370, the freedom attained by the Kashmiris has also been recently showcased by the huge number of crowd that gathered for the ‘Tiranga movement’ held in Kashmir on August 13, 2023, marking a significant sign of the region’s growing sense of unity and patriotism. The recently held Tiranga movement was aimed as a grassroot campaign to promote the Indian flag in Kashmir and mend the thread of emotion between a Kashmiri;s heart and the flag. The movement saw thousands of people from all over the Kashmir Valley, who participated zestfully and with full vigour in Tiranga rallies and flag hoisting ceremonies – marking a powerful display of patriotism and a rejection of the separatist ideology that has long plagued the region.
The aforementioned Tiranga movement is an important milestone because it brought together people from all walks of life in Kashmir and acted as a reminder that Kashmiris are first and foremost Indians, and that they share a common destiny with the rest of the country. The movement also sends a message to Pakistan that Kashmir is an integral part of India, and that its people will not be cowed by terrorism or violence. The Tiranga movement held in Budgam marks a positive step forward for Kashmiris, helping them and the entire world realize that the region is finally beginning to heal from the wounds of conflict, and that its people are ready to embrace a new era of peace and prosperity.
This independence day comes amidst a new era of independence for Kashmir. The beautiful valley is now free from violence, it is open to investment and development, is a safe space, and Kashmiris have more freedom than ever before. This is a time of great hope for Kashmir, and it is a time for the people of India to come together as one and celebrate their independence together. This year’s Independence Day celebrations in Kashmir are particularly significant. For the first time in decades, Kashmiris shall be able to celebrate their freedom without fear of violence or intimidation. The true spirit shall be unfurled with various flag hoisting ceremonies and patriotic rallies taking place all over the region, spreading a sense of joy and optimism in the air amidst masses.
As a proud Kashmiri citizen, I hope this article captures the excitement and optimism that is in the air in Kashmir this Independence Day. It is a time of new beginnings for the region, and I am confident that the people of Kashmir will seize this opportunity to build a better future for themselves and for their children – Availing all the opportunities, seizing all the moments and capturing all the memories in their hearts with a smile on the face and peace in their mind.
Happy Independence Day!
NOTE: (THE VIEWS EXPRESSED ARE PERSONAL. Author: Dr Adil Rasool Malik ; Author besides being a Doctor and is very active in positive perception management of various political and social issues. Author can be reached at [email protected] & twitter @drmalikadil)
(August 15,2023)