AG Punjab appointment notification issued by Punjab govt


AG Punjab appointment notification issued by Punjab govt

Kanwar Inder Singh/ News/ October 5,2023

Punjab govt has issued the appointment notification of Gurminder Singh Garry, the new advocate general (AG) Punjab.

Gurminder Singh Garry is the third AG since Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) took over the reins of the state in March 2022. Garry replaces Vinod Ghai, who has resigned from the post of AG Punjab.

Garry, 56, a first generation lawyer has done his LLB (Law Degree) in 1989 from Punjab University Chandigarh and designated as Senior Advocate in January 2014.

He has been practicing before various High Courts at Chandigarh, Delhi, Shimla etc. since 1989.

He has apoeared and argued many contentious matters before the Supreme Court in Special Leave Petitions, Writ Petitions and Civil Appeals now for over 34+ years.

His area of practice covers constitutional, commercial, tender, service, arbitration, and criminal matters among others. He through his years at the bar, has represented high-profile governmental and non-governmental clients. Amongst others, he has remained standing counsel for Medical Council of India, Dental Council of India, Union Service Public Commission, Punjab Vidhan Sabha and other Boards and Corporations of the State.

AG Punjab appointment notification issued by Punjab govt
Gurminder Singh Garry
AG Punjab

The Punjab and Haryana High Court has appointed him as the Amicus Curaie in various Public Interest Litigations. He has also conducted pro bono litigation espousing the causes relating disadvantaged sections of society.

Apart from having vast experience of private and institutional litigation, Gurminder Singh has held the office of Assistant Advocate General, Punjab and thereafter, remained Deputy Advocate General, Punjab. He was appointed Additional Advocate General and worked as such till March, 2008.