Bhai Gurdas Group of Institutions has listed its name amongst the prominent Educational Groups of Punjab. The students of Bhai Gurdas Degree College have left an imprint in the field of education. This year the students of BGDC has added glory to its name by bringing out the best results declared by MRSPTU, Bathinda. The students from B. Sc Agriculture, M.Sc Chemistry & M.Sc Physics showed outstanding results. Veerpal kaur got first and Rupinder Kaur got third position of B.Sc Agriculture (1st Sem) got two positions in declared MRSPTU merit list. Shehnaz Parveen, Manpreet Kaur, and Hasdeep Kaur of M.Sc Chemistry (1st Sem) got first three positions and Kavita Rani of M.Sc Physics got 1st position in declared MRSPTU merit list.

Hakam Singh Jawandha, Chairman, BGGI congratulated Bhai Gurdas Students who were in MRSPTU Merit list and motivated the hard working spirits of merit holders by giving them prizes. In a jubilant mood, the students said that they are proud to be a part of this Group as the Institute has always helped them in learning and exploring their hidden talents in this highly competitive world. Executive member, BGGI, Dr. Guninderjit Singh Jawandha is pride ridden and felicitated the meritorious students for scoring top positions in the University. He congratulated the staff for their untiring efforts for the success of students and praised the efforts of the meritorious students and hoped that they will continue this tradition in future also.