Covid Fungus eating into Lung treated with emergency surgery-Dr Bedi


Covid Fungus eating into Lung treated with emergency surgery-Dr Bedi

Kanwar Inder Singh/

Gurjit Kaur (name changed) a housewife from Patiala was alarmed when she suddenly started coughing out blood . She was immediately referred to the Ivy Hospital Mohali where Dr Suresh Goyal – Senior Pulmonology specialist – investigated and found that she had a fungal ball in her right lung which was the cause of the bleed. She was immediately referred to Dr Harinder Singh Bedi – Director of Cardio Thoracic Sciences at the Ivy Hospital. Dr Bedi realised that the only option was a surgery as the fungus of this size cannot be treated medically and it can be fatal.

Gurjit underwent a removal of part of the lung which contained the fungus . This is a major surgery and is called a lobectomy . It requires specialised skills and equipment and even a special anesthesia tube which can ventilate only one lung . A special technique called the “Bedi-IMA buttress’ was used to prevent a dreaded complication called broncho-pleural fistula . This technique has been published and accepted as a life saving method .

Covid Fungus eating into Lung treated with emergency surgery-Dr Bedi

Gurjit did well and is normal now. The fungus turned out to be the dreaded Mucormycosis which has caused so many deaths in complicated Covid cases . Dr Bedi told that he trained in  advanced lung surgery  in Australia where he has worked earlier  . Lung surgery constitutes under 10% of his surgeries as his main work is in bypass surgery in which he is a pioneer – but he finds lung surgery very challenging and interesting .

The other super specialised members of the Heart-lung  team are Dr Vikram Arora and Dr Jiten Singh.

Covid Fungus eating into Lung treated with emergency surgery-Dr Bedi. Dr Bedi told that a multispeciality team is paramount in managing such cases .

Dr Bedi can be contacted at 9814060480 or [email protected]

July 6,2022