Diwali, Bandi Chodd Divas celebrated with great fervor


Diwali, Bandi Chodd Divas celebrated with great fervor


Diwali, a festival of lights. Diwali the festival spiritually signifies the victory of good over evil, is being celebrated across India with traditional enthusiasm and religious fervor. Celebrated by Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, Christians, Jains, and every other religion existing in India, this is the most secular of all festivals, when people of every religion come together, forgetting their differences of culture, and bond to magnify the essence of unity in diversity.

Diwali, Bandi Chodd Divas celebrated with great fervor-Photo by SJ Singh

The celebration of Diwali across the communities in India is spectacular and Diwali indeed dispels the darkness of ignorance every year when people, irrespective of their caste, creed, economic background, and age, come to together and celebrate it with great fervor.

Diwali, Bandi Chodd Divas celebrated with great fervor-Photo by HS Singh

People visit temples, gurudwaras to pay obeisance and great their friends, relatives, neighbors. They exchanged gifts and distributed sweets. People wore new clothes and illuminate their houses and shops to celebrate the festival with fervour and zeal.Houses were decked with colourful lights, flowers, traditional earthen lamps and rangolis.

Diwali, Bandi Chodd Divas celebrated with great fervor-Photo by HS Singh

Sikhs celebrated Bandi Chorh Diwas, as it is a day on which Guru Hargobind Sahib was released with 52 Kings from Gwalior Prison. The word “Bandi” means “imprisoned”, “Chhor” means “release” and “Divas” means “day” and together “Bandi Chhor Divas” means Prisoner Release Day. It is celebrate with great joy as it was a time when “right” prevailed over “wrong”.