Free Online Certificate Course on Right to Information Act, 2005 launched by PSIC and RGNUL


Free Online Certificate Course on Right to Information Act, 2005 launched by PSIC and RGNUL

Kanwar Inder Singh/ News/ September 13,2023

Punjab State Information Commission (PSIC) in association with Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Punjab has launched a humble initiative in the form of an Online Certificate Course on Right to Information Act,2005 under the guidance of Suresh Arora, IPS (Retd.), Chief Information Commissioner, Punjab, all the State Information Commissioners and Prof. (Dr.) Anand Pawar, Officiating Vice-Chancellor, RGNUL, Punjab.

The course is available in all the three languages i.e., Punjabi, Hindi and English. The aim of the course is to create awareness about the provisions of RTI Act and explain the process of seeking and providing information. This Online Certificate Course also aims at explaining the strategy for operationalising Right to Information Act. The course further aims to sensitize the Public Information Officers as well as First Appellate Authorities. Are commendation to the Government will be made to ensure that all the existing and future Public Information Officers as well as First Appellate Authorities should qualify this course. This course would provide  a holistic and comprehensive understanding about Right to Information Act 2005.

Free Online Certificate Course on Right to Information Act, 2005 launched

Right to Information Act, which was enacted in 2005, allows individuals to access information held by government and public authorities. Therefore, learning about RTI Act, is essential for fostering an informed and accountable society and contributes to more just and elective governance. The course is being launched keeping this perspective in mind. The course is free of cost and an online certificate would be issued to the candidate after the successful completion of the course.