Burning of Rice Straw causes Air Pollution which adversely affects the Human health, especially Patients with respiratory problem and asthma. Sometimes ,the problem is so acute that these patients have to be hospitalized. Apart from Air Pollution , The burning causes the loss of nutrients especially nitrogen, Sulphur , Phosphorus and organic matter, keeping in the view, the experts of University college of Agriculture of Guru Kashi University advised the Farmers of the adjoining Villages specially Jaga Ram Tirath, not to burn the rice straw, Instead of Burning, They should Incorporate the rice straw in the field which will improve soil fertility and soil productivity through addition of plant, Nutrients and organic Mater .They can also use rice straw for preparation of compost manure for mulching in vegetable crops and can also use as bedding material for animals. It can also be used for generation of electricity collected by baler.

A meeting was held under the chairmanship of SDM of Talwandi Sabo to manage rice straw, Dr. A.L. Sharma and Dr. A.S. Sidhu attended the meeting .It was decided to manage rice straw in Jaga Ram Tirath and surrounding villages.