‘How to get Internship’ program organised by placement cell of Govt Bikram College for its students


‘How to get Internship’ program organised by placement cell of Govt Bikram College for its students

Kanwar Inder Singh/ royalpatiala.in News/ September 7,2024

Training, Placement and Career Counselling Cell of Government Bikram College of Commerce Patiala organised one day session on ‘How to get Internship’ under the guidance of College Principal Prof (Dr) Kusum Lata on September 6,2024

The program was held in collaboration with Hit Bulls eye Institute. Arjun Sandhu (Verbal Faculty CAT/GMAT/GRE) as a Resource person discussed in detail with the students about how to get internship,how to look for internship opportunities,how to apply for an internship.His expertise  provided valuable information about various sites which give information about internship opportunities. He gave information about the type of internship, how to respond and follow.  This session becomes the need of the hour when the internship is important for every student in second year of commerce UG Degree, according to the NEP2020.

'How to get Internship’ program organised by placement cell of Govt Bikram College for its students

The program was organised by Dr Rajni Bala (Incharge Training, Placement and Career Counselling Cell) along with Jasmine Kaur for the students of B. Com Part -2. About 150 students participated in the program.