I.E.I. State center Punjab and Chandigarh awarded with the best state center


I.E.I. State center Punjab and Chandigarh awarded with the best state center

Kanwar Inder singh/ royalpatiala.in News/ January 3,2024

Out of 125 state and local centers, Punjab and Chandigarh state centers have been selected for the best center award by the Institution of Engineers India for the highest number of technical activities and best all-round performance during the session 2020-21.

The award was presided over by Deputy Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh and President Institution of Engineers India at Jabalpur during the 38th Indian Engineering Congress.

This award was received by the then Chairman of the Executive Committee Engineer S.S. Mundi, Ex-Vice President Dr. Tara Singh Kamal and Ex-Chairman Bathinda Local Center Dr. Jagtar Singh Sivia during the 38th Indian Engineering Congress, at Jabalpur.

This award has been achieved by the chairman of that session, Er. S.S. Mundy, Secretary Dr. Baljit Singh Khaira and the entire State Executive Committee due to their tireless efforts.

I.E.I. State center Punjab and Chandigarh awarded with the best state center


I.E.I. State center Punjab and Chandigarh awarded with the best state center. On receiving this award, the current State Center Chairman Dr. Labh Singh and the current Honorary Secretary Er. Shavinder Singh, current Executive Committee members and former Vice President Dr. Tara Singh Kamal has congratulated.

It is pertinent to mention that Institution of Engineers India has been running since 1920 and this Best State Center Award has been received for the first time by Punjab and Chandigarh State Centre. It is a matter of pride for Punjab and Chandigarh province.