IKGPTU Registrar clarified on university official’s holiday


IKGPTU Registrar clarified on university official’s holiday

Gurpreet Kaur/ royalpatiala.in/ Jalandhar

Registrar of IKG Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar has clarified that “all the important works, related to the university, students will not suffer due to precautionary closure of the university campus and its constituent colleges by the Punjab government due to the spreading of coronavirus in the state”.

In an official order issued by the Registrar IKGPTU vide letter number IKGPTU/Reg/606 dated 15-3-2020 to vice chancellor secretariat , all heads/ incharge (non teaching), director (main and other campuses) , dean faculty, head of the department (teaching), incharge constituent colleges, deputy registrar (human resources administration) , principal/ director all affiliated colleges  clarified that “ all pre planned work, date bound work can be completed by working from home or through online, so that university work may not suffer. All officials must be available at their place of posting, so that if necessary the departmental head can call the concerned officer with all precautions”

Punjab government had ordered the closure of all schools, colleges, universities, technical colleges , shopping malls, gym’s, hotel’s etc on Saturday, taking precautionary measures, due to Coronavirus.

The spokesperson of the Punjab Government also said that the technical education department has revised the old order to clarify that the examinations in the universities/ engineering colleges/poly-technic colleges/ industrial training institutes would be held as per the earlier schedule.

IKGPTU Registrar clarified on university official's holiday
