IMA demands review, repeal and re-conception of PCPNDT
New Delhi,-The IMA has demanded a major overhaul of the Pre-conception and Pre-natal Diagnostic Techniques (Prohibition of Sex Selection) Act, saying the legislation in its present form has led to “harassment” of obstetricians and radiologists and has “miserably failed” in restoring the sex ratio of the country.
The Indian Medical Association (IMA) demand came after the Supreme Court upheld the constitutional validity of Sections 23(1) and 23(2) of the act.

The main purpose of enacting the PCPNDT Act was to stop misuse of sex selection techniques and prevent female foeticides.
“IMA demands a reconception and nothing short of this is acceptable to the medical profession. This is a black law and has miserably failed in achieving its objective in the 24 years of its dubious existence.
“The layman’s approach of the ill-conceived legislation has only resulted in unending harassment of every single practising obstetrician and radiologist in the country. The sex ratio of the country has in fact deteriorated…,” IMA president Santanu Sen said.
According to the IMA, no movement for the girl child can succeed without the partnership and wholehearted support of the medical profession.

“It is completely unacceptable to presume that every obstetrician and radiologist is culpable of sex selection and female foeticide and singling out the ultrasound machines and the doctors as source of evil by the law. Culpability of the involved couple and the family should be brought under the majesty of the law as well,” said R V Asokan, secretary general of IMA.
“Time has come to review the effectiveness of the law in addressing the issue. To repeal the current law and re-conceive one with equal responsibility and participation of everyone concerned will be the right way to go. The medical profession reserves the right to withdraw appropriate services and resist all the harassments and injustice inflicted on it,” Sen added.