International literacy day virtually celebrated at Police DAV Public School Patiala
Gurjit Singh/ Patiala
8 September is celebrated as International literacy day worldwide. To commemorate this day various literary events were organised by Police DAV Public School Patiala through online platforms. Every Language has a definite role in communication and to inculcate in students the importance of literacy, an assembly was held virtually in which Vanshika of class 7 delivered a speech highlighting the importance of the day. Students of class Nursery to UKG participated in Show & Tell activity wherein they described their things. Students of class 1&2 took part in story telling competition that helped them to exhibit their imaginative and speaking skills.
Students of class 3 to 5 participated enthusiastically in Round a Robin game where they completed the story turn wise and drew pictures related to it.
Students of class 6&7 actively participated in Book Mark competition where they displayed their creative skills . They made very colourful and attractive book marks along with quotes written on them.
They also spoke out tongue twisters that enabled them to speak fluently. The winners will be declared later and will be awarded e certificates.
Students of class 8 to 10 took part in Hindi language activities. Students of class 8 participated in Fastest reader competition. Class 9 students narrated short stories with a moral. Class 10 students spoke on the life history of poets and authors in the form of speech. The winners will be informed later during the week.
Students of class 11&12 participated in Punjabi activities. They were asked to narrate any self composed poems or stories, articles etc. They also spoke on the review of any book recently read by them. These activities enhanced their vocabulary and speaking skills. The best ones will be awarded e certificates later during the week.
On this occasion the school principal Meena Thapar applauded the efforts of the school staff and students to make the day a success. She further added that such events hone the abilities of the students and encourage them. She stated that such days have great relevance and students must know their importance. She motivated the students to educate others and encourage them to be literate for their well being. She wished everyone success in future.