A one-day workshop on `Learn Physics While Doing’ was organized by University School of Sciences of the Rayat Bahra University. Dr Harvinder Kaur, Dean of the University School of Sciences, welcomed the guests and introduced the resource person Prof MS Marwaha, President RC-3, Indian Association of Physics Teachers (IAPT). She highlighted the role as well as need of Physics in daily life.
Prof Marwaha performed a unique set of experimental demonstrations. The audience comprising of B Sc and M Sc students witnessed and actively participated in various live demonstrations on various topics of mechanics, optics, waves and oscillations, heat and thermodynamics and electricity and magnetism.

The demonstrations on the mentioned topics clarified the concepts of phenomenon of resonance, modes of vibration of coupled pendulums, stationary waves, harmonics, propagation of longitudinal and transverse waves, beats, nodal planes, lissajous figures, reflection, refraction, TIR, mirage, interference, diffraction, polarization, birefringence, formation of three dimensional image, pseudo forces and electromagnetic induction.
The demos were quite informative for the faculty as well as students. The breathtaking demo of bed of nails, with a student volunteer lying on nails bare-chested with a heavy cement block on his chest and smashed by a hammer was just awesome.
The uniqueness of these demonstrations appealed to the audience. During the interactive sessions, the students raised interesting questions.