Home Punjab PAU holds Kisan Mela at Krishi Vigyan Kendra,Patiala

PAU holds Kisan Mela at Krishi Vigyan Kendra,Patiala

PAU holds Kisan Mela at Krishi Vigyan Kendra,Patiala
Punjab Agricultural University holds Kisan Mela at Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Patiala
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PAU holds Kisan Mela at Krishi Vigyan Kendra,Patiala

Punjab Agricultural University today organized Kisan Mela at KVK, Rauni that saw the participation of a large number of farmers. The series of Kharif melas are being organized under the theme of decreasing input costs, conserving water along with judicious use of fertilizer, adopting subsidiary occupations so as to make agriculture more profitable for the farmers. Dr G.S. Nanda, Member, Board of Management, PAU inaugurated the mela and urged the farmers to consider agricultural diversification as means to increase farm income. He appreciated the large scale participation of farmers and their interest in the various stalls and exhibitions put up by the university. Dr Nanda suggested floriculture as a profitable venture. He also informed the farmers about the preference of durum wheat (being sold as MP wheat)among the urban consumers as compared to the generally available wheat. While talking about the apni mandi concept, Dr Nanda appealed to the farmers to take up direct marketing of produce to the consumers, thereby eliminating the need of middle men and thus helping increase their income. He cautioned the farmers on environment conservation and appealed for proper management of rice straw in the next season.

Dr B.S. Dhillon, Vice Chancellor, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana thanked the farmers for their trust and deep connection with the university and its recommendations and to further increase income, the farming community must look at mushroom cultivation, bee keeping, dairy and horticulture as income generating sources. Divulging details about the prevailing water crisis, Dr Dhillon called for judicious water usage by using various university recommended techniques and technologies like the laser land leveler and sowing early maturing rice varieties. Dr Dhillon appealed to the farmers to use fertilizer and pesticide judiciously, adopt neem coated urea and green manure.

Punjab Agricultural University holds Kisan Mela at Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Patiala

Dr N.S. Bains, Director, Research briefed about the new varieties recommended by PAU for the oncoming kharif season. Dr Bains urged farmers to adopt horticulture crops, subsidiary occupations and focus on resource and environment conservation.  Dr Gosain from NDRI, Karnal, reiterated the need for scientific dairy practices that include nutrient management and breed improvement in cattle. He urged farmers to look at dairy as a means of good income generation, apart from agriculture.

Dr D.S. Bhatti, Dr M.I.S. Gill, ADEE, Agricultural Officer, Patiala, and other officers, HOD’s from PAU were also present at the occasion.