Postal department extended the premium payment period for Postal Life Insurance


Postal department extended the premium payment period for Postal Life Insurance

Kanwar Inder Singh/ Chandigarh

In view of the threat posed by the outbreak of Corona Virus (COVID-19), and the complete lockdown across India, Central/State Governments have issued several advisories and imposed restrictions on the movement of general public. Postal Life Insurance/Rural Postal Life Insurance customers are facing difficulty in approaching post offices for payment of premia in spite of the fact that many Post Offices are functional as part of essential services.

Postal department extended the premium payment period for Postal Life Insurance-Photo courtesy-Internet

Postal department extended the premium payment period for Postal Life Insurance. As a measure of convenience to all the PLI / RPLI customers, Directorate of Postal Life Insurance, Department of Posts, Ministry of Communications has given an extension of period for payment of their due premium of March 2020, April 2020 & May 2020 upto 30th June 2020 without charging any penalty/default fee. The decision has been taken because The Department has advised Customers registered on portal to pay premium online using PLI customer Portal.

Postal Life Insurance (PLI)

Postal Life Insurance (PLI) was introduced on 1st February, 1884. It now covers employees of Central and State Governments, Central and State Public Sector Undertakings, Universities, Government aided Educational Institutions, Nationalized Banks, Local bodies, autonomous bodies, joint ventures having a minimum of 10% Govt./PSU stake, credit cooperative societies etc.  PLI also extends insurance cover to the officers and staff of the Defence services and Paramilitary forces.

Rural Postal Life Insurance (RPLI) 

The prime objective of the scheme is to provide insurance cover to the rural public in general and  to benefit weaker sections and women workers of rural areas in particular and also to spread insurance awareness among the rural population.
