Punjab IAS officer cadre changed; central govt requested state govt to immediately relieve the officer


Punjab IAS officer cadre changed; central govt requested state govt to immediately relieve the officer

Kanwar Inder Singh/ royalpatiala.in News/ December 20,2023

Central govt competent authority has approved the transfer of deputy commissioner Sri Muktsar Sahib, 2014 Punjab cadre IAS officer Ruhee Dugg to AGUMT cadre.

As per order issued by under secretary to the Government of lndia  “the Central Government hereby transfers Ruhee Dugg, IAS (PB:2014) from Punjab cadre to AGMUT cadre on grounds of marriage to Harsh lndora, IPS (AGMUT:2016).”

Punjab IAS officer cadre changed; central govt requested state govt to immediately relieve the officer
Ruhee Dugg, IAS

The Chief Secretary, Government of Punjab, has been requested to relieve the officer immediately.