Punjabi university health centre touches new height; organized 10th Covid vaccination camp


Punjabi university health centre touches new height; organized 10th Covid vaccination camp

Kanwar Inder singh/ royalpatiala.in

Following the Punjab Government guidelines, Tenth Free Covid Vaccination camp was organized by Bhai Ghaniya Health Centre, Punjabi University, Patiala on 19th April, 2022 in collaboration with the Office of Civil Surgeon, Patiala at UGC Guest House , Punjabi University Campus, Patiala.

The Camp was inaugurated by Prof. Arvind ,Vice Chancellor, Punjabi University, Patiala.

Dr B S Sandhu, Dean Academics and Dr. Navjot Kaur, Regsitrar, Punjabi University,Patiala graced the occasion.

About 100 persons including students, staff ,faculty and residents were vaccinated in the camp , both Covishield and Covaxin Vaccines were administered as First , Second and booster doses to the frontline workers and above 60 years age who have completed 9 months after second dose were given.

Corbevax doses were given to 12-15 years age group also.

Punjabi university health centre touches new height; organized 10th Covid vaccination camp

Vice Chancellor Prof. Arvind appreciated the Health Centre and its Incharge SMO Dr. Regina Maini for their whole hearted efforts in Covid Pandemic.

Dr. Regina Maini, SMO Bhai Ghaniya Health Centre said as per the guidelines issued by Punjab Government the vaccination of the University staff, employees and faculty has been done with the collaboration of Office of Civil Surgeon, Patiala.

Punjabi university health centre touches new height; organized 10th Covid vaccination camp . She thanked Civil Surgeon and his team for organizing the Camps. She thanked the staff of Health Centre for their cooperation. She said this was the Tenth Free Covishield Vaccination Camp and about 3500 persons have got the Covishield / Covaxin Vaccines in these Camps.

We have already organized Three Covid Sampling and Nine Covid Vaccination Camps.

She thanked Professor Arvind for encouraging and helping in getting the vaccination done in the University.

She thanked Dr B S Sandhu and Dr. Navjot Kaur Registrar for her support and guidance for making the camp successful .

April 19,2022