Punjabi University will not be able to spend money from April 1; fails to pass its budget


Punjabi University will not be able to spend money from April 1; fails to pass its budget

Kanwar Inder Singh/ royalpatiala.in

Mass resignation by Punjabi university teachers, holding administrative posts, in protest against Punjabi University vice chancellor’s decision to put hold on their promotions and other issues, took a toll on its syndicate meeting.

Today Punjabi University failed to hold its finance committee meeting to be held before the syndicate meeting and later syndicate meeting called for clearing the next financial year budget. Now, the budget of the university hangs in the air. The next date of the syndicate meeting is unclear, when it will be happen in future.

News website royalpatiala.in had already highlighted the issue (apprehensions about holding the budget syndicate meeting) in its column.

Now, from April 1,2021, university won’t be able to do any expenses, even of Rs 1.

Punjabi University will not be able to spend money from April 1; fails to pass its budget
Punjabi University

As per the available information, today, the vice chancellor had called the syndicate meeting, to clear the university budget. Earlier it was planed at Chandigarh, but later it was changed to VC (video conference) mode, at 3 PM.

As the post of registrar is vacant, the university failed to hold its syndicate meeting as Registrar is the secretary of syndicate and he has to present the budget, holds the proceedings, as per the procedure.  University can’t hold any syndicate meeting without the vice chancellor or the registrar, as vice chancellor is the chairperson of the syndicate and registrar is the secretary

The vice chancellor had already scrutinizing the seniority list of the faculty, to appoint the registrar and other deans, deputy deans etc. against the posts fallen vacant, due to the mass resignation by university faculty members , holding administrative posts.

As per one of the syndicate member, “hey didn’t get the agenda of today’s meeting, which is mandatory for the university to send it to all the members, before a week of the meeting” .

As per unconfirmed news the “budget has been approved in anticipation to the approval of vice chancellor,” said another source.

When contacted the vice chancellor Ravneet Kaur, IAS, she didn’t respond to the call made to her and the message left on her what’s app number.


University budget in limbo; financial crises may loom over Punjabi University

March 30,2021