Railway mega vendor meet 2019 to be held at Lucknow to show-case business opportunities


Railway mega vendor meet 2019 to be held at Lucknow to show-case business opportunities

KS Diwan/ royalpatiala.in/ Chandigarh

The research arm of Indian Railways, Research Designs and Standards Organization (RDSO) is organizing a special Mega Vendor Meet at RDSO in a significant move to show-case greater business opportunities in Railway sector in Lucknow on 30th August, 2019. Industries from across the country are invited for this vendor meet to encourage their participation in Indian Railways supply chain development.  No participation fee for attending the meet has been kept to ensure wider participation. In line with Government of India’s ‘Make in India’ programme, RDSO through such meets and other endeavors continues to reach out to Indian industry and encourage them to be the active partners in nation building.

In the meet, special focus will be on those RDSO controlled items which have less than three (3) RDSO approved vendors. This list has been put on RDSO website www.rdso.indianrailways.gov.in.

During the meet, RDSO shall make presentation about “Enhancement for ease of doing business”. The meet shall make available a platform for direct one-to-one interaction and discussions of Industry with RDSO. Live display of selected RDSO items shall be kept at the meeting venue.

Railway mega vendor meet 2019 to be held at Lucknow to show-case business opportunities-Photo courtesy-Internet

For wider proliferation of information about this Vendor meet, following actions have been taken:

  • Intimation has been sent to Industrial bodies, such as FICCI, CII, ASSOCHAM, IEEMA for spreading awareness and inviting participation of Industries in the Meet.
  • GMs and PCMMs of Zonal Railways and PUs have been requested to bring it to the notice of prospective vendors and encourage their participation. Standees and posters have been displayed in Zonal Railways and Division’s offices.

It may be worthwhile to mention that RDSO has already initiated some measures to encourage vendors to register themselves for RDSO controlled items with less than three sources. For example, registration charges for items with less than three sources has been reduced from Rs. 1,50,000/- to Rs. 10,000/- for micro/small enterprises and from Rs. 2,50,000/- to Rs. 50,000/- for others. Moreover, product testing charges shall also be borne by RDSO for such items.