Remove Dr KK Talwar for his wrongful policies; decentralize powers to principals -PSMDTA


Remove Dr KK Talwar for his wrongful policies; decentralize powers to principals -PSMDTA

KI Singh/ Chandigarh

Once more Punjab State Medical & Dental Teachers Association has out rightly rejected the move of the State Medical Education and Research Department to hand over the administrative control of all Government run medical and dental colleges in the state to an autonomous body to be headed by a non-government administrator, a step towards privatization of these government run institutions.

In the state body executive body meeting held under President Dr. Mridu Gupta, the association has urged the state Government that, instead of doing such exercise which has already proved a failure, the Government should think of decentralization of the administrative and financial powers to heads (principals) of these colleges under the present administrative set up, allocate budget at par with PGI Chandigarh to make these colleges financial viable and independent under the present set up and fill vacant posts at all levels with regular staff.

After giving administrative and financial powers to the principals as demanded, the government should give just two years to see the desired results and in the meantime it can do this new exercise for the Government Medical College being stared in Mohali. If successful in Mohali, the association will have no objection for application of the same in all other government medical and dental colleges.

The association has demanded immediate removal of Dr. KK Talwar, Health and Medical Education Advisor for his wrongful policies and misguiding attitude which has been embarrassing the faculty and staff working in these medical and dental colleges for the last more than ten years without any fruitful outcome.

According to Dr. DS Bhullar, State General Secretary of the association, the reforms should be initiated at the grass root level and not by changing the administrative control, with release of sufficient funds and enrollment of man power.

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The association has also opposed the Government move to create posts of directors in government medical colleges as overall in-charges of the functioning of these establishments as it is absolutely not required and which will cause extra financial burden on government exchequers and will undermine the authority of the already working state government heads (principals) of these colleges.

The association has also out rightly rejected the proposal of the medical education department planning to change medical dental college and hospital timings as the Medical Council of India has never objected to the present timings during its ongoing yearly inspections.

It was unanimously decided by the executive body for full participation of the faculty of medical dental colleges and to support the call for mass protests by Anti-Autonomous Joint Medical Action Group \formed to oppose the Government move for indirect privatization of the medical and dental colleges being anti-people, anti-patient, anti-faculty and anti-employees.