Seminar by Indian Fertility Society on Life after Cancer


Seminar by Indian Fertility Society on Life after Cancer

Chandigarh: Whenever cancer is diagnosed in young persons, it is like a death sentence for the whole family. The immediate concern is the treatment of cancer and survival. Nobody thinks of 70-80 percent chances of losing fertility because of cancer or cancer treatments. Surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy all affect egg and sperm production in one or other way. Usual response to a question related to fertility preservation is postponement till treatment is over. Nobody thinks of “life after cancer”.

A seminar was organized today by the Indian Fertility Society of Greater Chandigarh Chapter to create awareness about the Reproductive Health in Cancer Survivors. Speaking on the occasion DrUmesh Nandani JindalLocal Organizing Chairperson & Director Jindal IVF Chandigarh said that, “In India more than 40,000 cancers are diagnosed in men and women less than 45 years of age and even childhood cancer is increasing. Fortunately, with advancement in therapies the cure rates in most common cancers like breast cancer, testicular cancer and lymphoma are more then 80-90 percent. So, with increasing trends of cancer in young age and better cure rates, we have number of young cancer survivors with lost fertility. So, the question of “reproductive life after cancer” becomes more relevant”

Women can get their eggs or embryos freezed before chemotherapy or surgery. This technique requires only 10 to 12 days of daily injections and thus, doesn’t delay the treatment. These frozen eggs or embryos can be used after cancer treatment and patients can have their own genetic child.

Seminar by Indian Fertility Society on Life after Cancer

For men, the technique is even simpler. The ejaculated semen can be easily and effectively preserved before treatment. This semen can be used later and provides the patients opportunity to have their own genetic child even after cancer treatment.

DrUmesh Nandani Jindal, informed that in our clinic every month we receive 8-10 cancer survivors who are willing to conceive. But unfortunately they have already lost their fertility because of chemotherapy, radiotherapy or surgery.  So, it is necessary to freeze eggs, embryos and sperms before cancer treatment.