Seminar on SAP at Rayat-Bahra Patiala campus


Rayat-Bahra, Patiala Campus, organized a seminar on Systems Applications and Products in Data Processing (SAP).

MP Singh from Next-Technologies elaborated on SAP, its applications and emerging trends in Data Processing. SAP is well known for its Enterprise Resource Planning and Data Management Programs.

During the seminar organised by Rayat Bahra Patiala campus, he said SAP was providing best modules to the students for their bright career. There was huge technology change from time to time and SAP was going strong in the world market and its use of applications has become primary and foremost need of the hour. He assured the students of job opportunities based on their educational qualification and communication skills. He also spoke on the present scenario in IT sector and society. He discussed in detail all the products and services i.e. ERP Solutions, Android and iPhone applications, web designing, and development.

Seminar on SAP at Rayat-Bahra Patiala campus 

He encouraged the students to lay more stress on their communication skills, problem-solving capabilities, and programming skills. He also unfolded a survey of newspaper Times of India regarding demand and supply of jobs in digital marketing. He also discussed ups and downs of Java, .Net and PHP languages also and urged the students to go in for Digital Marketing Courses.

Rayat-Bahra Group Chairman Gurvinder Singh Bahra appreciated the Engineering faculty for arranging this seminar and said that these kinds of talks offer the students latest insights into emerging technologies and advancements in the fields of engineering.

Campus Director Dr Piush Verma speaking on the occasion said that success could be achieved by following three step process of understanding concepts, meeting course requirements and getting ready for industry. He called upon students to acquire management leadership and communication and presentation skills to reach higher at a place and position in their chosen career.