AP healthcare & Trauma Centre, Chotti Baradari Patiala is going to hold a Spine Check Up Camp on 24th November and 25th November from 11: AM to 2:00 PM and 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM at its centre, for the patients suffering from various spine related ailments.
During this Spine Check up Camp, Free Check Up of
Neck Pain
Numbness of Limbs
Spine Tumors
Weakness of Limbs
Gait Difficulty
Spine Injuries
Spine Fractures
Spine Deformities in Children & Adults
will be done by dedicated team of AP Healthcare & Trauma centre under the supervision of Dr. Arun Bhandari, Chief Spine Surgeon, Senior Consultant Neurosurgery, of AP health Care & Trauma Centre, Chotti Baradari, Patiala.

Any one with above problems can register themselves for this Check Up Camp. The registration fee is Rs. 50/- only. During the camp, Consultation is Free. Also 50% discount on MRI (if needed) and 20% discount on X-Rays & Laboratory. The helpline numbers are 0175-2220255 / 73472-30255
Dr.Arun Bhandari and Dr. Kanika Bhandari has lead down the foundation stone of AP Healthcare and trauma centre with a mission of serving the community with latest and affordable medical services.
Its a multispecialty hospital with latest medical technology. It’s a 25 bedded hospital with fully equipped 8 bedded ICU and single and twin share AC and Non AC rooms. This hospital has well equipped ICU
with latest ventilators, Multipart Monitors, Centralized oxygen supply, Central Suction, Infusion pumps, ABG analysis. Hospital has state of art operation theatres with C-ARM Intensifiers and operating microscope.
AP Healthcare and Trauma center has inbuilt facilities of all kinds of investigations. A complete Management system for all types of medical emergencies, neurosurgery and trauma hit patients are available At AP health Care & Trauma Centre.
The centre has highly qualified and trained Doctors, highly skilled Nursing staff. It has 24X7 Pharmacy for Patients,Diagnostic and Emergency services.