Home Punjab St. Xavier’s International School Patiala celebrated Diwali

St. Xavier’s International School Patiala celebrated Diwali

St. Xavier’s International School Patiala celebrated Diwali
St. Xavier’s International School Patiala celebrated Diwali
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The celebration of Diwali, ‘The festival of lights’ came alive at ST. Xavier’s International School,Patiala when the whole school wore a festive look with Diyas and lanterns adorning the corridors and the assembly hall in bright colours. A plethora of activities were conducted to welcome Diwali. A special function was organised in the school which laid emphasis on ‘GREEN DIWALI’ and ‘ ECO- FRIENDLY DIWALI’.

The song ‘Dipawali  Manaye Suhani’ by the students of Class IV Roses   brought out the essence of the festival -celebration of life and goodness. Sanaya of Class I Roses, Sehajdeep Kaur of Class V Tulips talked about the significance of the festival – how good always conquered the evil and also about why and how Diwali is celebrated across India. The Nukad Natak on ‘Pollution’ presented by the students of XII Commerce and XI Medical mesmerised the audience. Besides sensitizing students to the ill-effects of crackers, they also shared the guidelines on being safe while bursting them.

St. Xavier’s International School Patiala celebrated Diwali

The students along with the teachers took the pledge for ‘Green Diwali’. An initiative was taken by the school to create awareness among the students about ‘Anti Cracker Diwali’. The students along with the parents signed the signature sheet with a conviction that they will not burst crackers on this Diwali. Prep Wing students recited poems and slogans on ‘Anti Cracker Diwali’

An Inter House Rangoli Making Competition was organised on this day. Students of all the four Houses participated with a lot of enthusiasm as they put together their artistic, imaginative and creative skills to make bright and beautiful Rangoli.  Students exhibited their flair in the art by making beautiful Rangoli designs using geometric shapes, deity impressions and floral motifs depicting themes like ‘Save Earth’, ‘Googlisation’,’Pollution’ etc. Dhara House bagged first place followed by Agni House and Vayu House.