Stubble burning: 44 cases, Bathinda admn imposes 1,32,500 fine


Stubble burning: 44 cases, Bathinda admn imposes 1,32,500 fine

KI Singh/ Bathinda

Despite the state government imposing a ban on stubble burning, farmers in Bathinda district seem adamant on continuing the practice of burning paddy residue.

Deputy commissioner Bathinda B. Srinivasan said that district administration is doing its utmost efforts to curb the stubble burning menace. Special teams of Punjab Pollution Control Board, agriculture department were formed and they were awaking the farmers about the ill effects of stubble burning.  Srinivasan said that the teams are closely monitoring the cases of stubble burning and are submitting reports in this regard on daily basis. The team have visited many villages in Bathinda district and have imposed fine of 1,32,500 in 44 cases of stubble burning across district.

Stubble burning: 44 cases, Bathinda admn imposes 1,32,500 fine-Photo Courtesy-Internet-

Ravideep Singla, Assistant Environmental Engineer, Punjab Pollution Control Board further informed that they deputed 25 coordinators and 41 teams to stop the stubble burning in the district. A nodal officer is deputed at village level. These nodal officers will inform the coordinator in case of any violation. If any farmer is found violating the orders or not adhering to the government orders, a Red Entry will be marked in the revenue records. In future if any person having red entry in their revenue records, he will not get any aid, subsidy from the govt.