MRS-PTU in collaboration with PSDM organizing two weeks ToT at University


MRS-PTU in collaboration with PSDM organizing two weeks ToT at University

Kanwar Inder Singh/ April 10,2023

Maharaja Ranjit Singh Punjab Technical University (MRSPTU) Bathinda will soon establish a Center of Excellence at the university main campus to provide updated training in different skill sectors in collaboration with Punjab Skill Development Mission (PSDM), Chandigarh.   The center will start functioning soon as the process for setting up the Center is under-progress after approval from the PSDM.

This was stated by MRSPTU Vice Chancellor, Prof. Buta Singh Sidhu, during the inauguration of two week Training for Trainers (ToT) Program being organized by MRSPTU at University Skill Center for all registered centers of PSDM, Chandigarh.

MRS-PTU in collaboration with PSDM organizing two weeks ToT at University

This is the fourth TOT Programme organized by University Skill Centre at university main campus Bathinda. About 150 participants from all districts of state of Punjab are attending this TOT Programme having different skill sector Job roles to get maximum outputs effectively.

In his address, Prof. Sidhu thanked Deepti Uppal, IAS Director General, Employment Generation, Skill Development & Training cum Mission Director, PSDM for financial assistance to the University for conducting this Training Program. He also appreciated the role of all team members of PSDM including General Manager Surinder Mohan and Project Manager  Rajesh Kumar for their kind cooperation and support.

He highlighted the importance of the Training of Trainer model which is intended to engage master trainers in coaching new trainers, who are less experienced in topics or skill or training overall. He said that the ToT programme will build a pool of competent instructors who can then train other people.

“The objective of the training programme is to change management with a focus on the instructor’s training capacity and skills. The Government of Punjab also tends to have a pool of skilled workforce, which will ultimately benefit the growth of the industries and employability as well,” he added.

Dr. Gurinder Pal Singh Brar said MRSPTU being a technical university in this Malwa region has to play a role in this skill mission.  He said Training of Trainer (ToT) focuses predominantly on the sharing of ideas and experiences.

The Main Coordinator of ToT , Dr. Balwinder Singh (Director College Development Council) welcomed chief guest, resource persons, participants and highlighted the basic objectives of ToT.

MRS-PTU in collaboration with PSDM organizing two weeks ToT at University

Er. Yadwinder Pal Sharma, Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department made tireless efforts and got sponsorship from PSDM for the purpose of expert training working in the field of skill development sectors.

MRS-PTU in collaboration with PSDM organizing two weeks ToT at University. During the ToT programme the prominent resource persons shared valuable information with the participants.  Dr. Balwinder Singh delivered an expert lecture on “How to be a Successful Trainer” . Dr.  Veerpaul Kaur Mann focused on enhancement of leadership skills and importance of Effective Communication skill. Dr. Manpreet Kaur Dhaliwal (UBS) conducted the stage very well and introduced the resource persons.

Industrial visits will also be arranged by the Director Training and placement for all the participants in conducting successful training courses.  All Deans, Directors, and HOD’s of various departments of university were present to grace the occasion.

( News)